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Working in Retirement: How to Find the Best Jobs


January 9, 2013. Welcome    to this week's newsletter. In case you haven't heard, real estate is starting to make a little bit of a comeback.  The inventory of unsold homes is down to 4.8 months according to the Center for Economic Policy Research, the lowest it has been in years. Some experts believe that inventories and demand are now in equilibrium, and that sounds like good news to us!
Working in retirement might not have been in your original plan, but it is a way to survive. In this article we share tips for finding a job that works for you,  instead of the other way around. Plus, advice on how to begin an "Encore Career" that you find satisfying and rewarding. This is Part 1 of a series.
Conway, SC
If the idea of living in a city of canals appeals to you, check out Ft. Lauderdale. Residents enjoy sophisticated shopping and neighborhoods, but it's more manageable than Miami.
Two demographers think that the (SSA) Social Security Administration is using outdated methodology for predicting life spans - which could mean the trust funds run out of money even earlier than the 2033 prediction. Plus a new online tool from the SSA that should make life easier.
Lafayette, LA
If you have every visited Hawaii we bet you had this thought: how great would it be to live here!  Here on beautiful Maui life slows down, surrounded as you are by mountains and the ocean, enjoying a perfect year round  climate.
If you like this newsletter please forward it to a friend.  We also offer a Daily Digest (it provides a link to everything new on the site from the day before), plus New Active Adult Communities (2 versions of recently added 55+ communities: East & West).
Looking for help narrowing down where you should consider retiring? Our Retirement Ranger quiz asks you 9 quick questions like cost, location, climate, etc.  You'll then get an instant customized report that matches your preferences. Take it as many times as you like with different choices, it's free!


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